On Saturday, October 12, #jupiter co-founder weremeow gave more details about the upcoming @Jupiter 🪐 #Airdrop🪂 , even though the DAO's decision to approve this proposal is still unknown. As I mentioned last time, if the Jupiter airdrop is approved, the eligibility criteria are going to be quite drastic. What eligibility criteria could be considered for the next Jupiter airdrop? Let's explore

One of the latest news that came out in this weremeow presentation is that the snapshot for the next Jupiter airdrop would already be done, and it was taken on November 2nd. This means that all transactions using the different Jupiter tools before that date will be considered according to the eligibility criteria they establish.

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Another new development regarding the eligibility criteria, which is causing controversy in the community, is that the actions of making #Staking of #JUP and participating in voting will not necessarily be taken into consideration as an important criterion, since these users are currently receiving the rewards from the Active Staking Rewards. Perhaps it could be considered as a bonus?

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Regarding claiming airdrop rewards, a mechanism had been formulated which would give 2 options to those chosen, the first was that, if you are chosen and immediately claim your airdrop, the amount of tokens you would receive would be reduced by 75%, that is, you would only receive 25% of your #tokens JUP.

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The other claiming option being considered is that you don't claim it immediately, but you have to wait a period of up to 1 year to be able to claim 100% of your JUP tokens, however, you could use your locked tokens for voting on Jupiter. Here a question arises: if you are chosen for the Jupiter airdrop, would you also receive rewards from the Active Staking Rewards?

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Regarding how you transacted on the Jupiter platform, weremeow mentions that by using trading bots to move volume and transactions, they would not be considered for receiving airdrop rewards. This is a blow to farmers using trading bots to generate volume quickly.

Finally, the vote on the next Jupiter airdrop (Jupuary) is expected to happen this month and, if the proposal is approved, the official checker and eligibility criteria would be in December.

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These are just some of the details that I was able to glean from the latest details regarding the proposals that have been put forward for the Jupiter airdrop. I would also like to emphasize that everything mentioned may be subject to change, since there is still no formal proposal regarding the Jupiter airdrop.

There are also some details of the airdrop that are still being discussed with the community and could be changed in the near future. Most importantly, it remains to be seen whether the Jupiter airdrop proposal will be approved or not.

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