Binance announced the delisting of 23 trading pairs, including Shiba Inu Gala and Dogecoin. As of November 9th, these pairs will no longer be available on the platform. This move is related to support for the BUSD stablecoin, which Binance plans to complete in early 2024. If you have assets in these pairs, be sure to convert them to other assets before February 2024.

Binance encourages users to maintain security measures and maintain high quality trading markets. This decision affects some of the most famous memecoins - Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. However, you will still be able to trade them through other trading pairs on Binance Margin.

Our exchange is constantly evolving to meet user needs and provide a secure and efficient trading environment. Thank you for your understanding and trust. Together we are building a thriving cryptocurrency community.

#Binance #Delisting #Crypto