
Bio-protocol publishes high quality, step-by-step, peer-reviewed protocols in any area of life sciences, including but not limited to biochemistry, cancer biology, cell biology, developmental biology, immunology, microbiology, molecular biology, neuroscience, plant science, stem cell biology, and systems biology.

The basic criteria for considering protocols are whether

(1) the protocol has been validated by its use in a research article (peer-reviewed or preprint) or by data provided in the validation section of the protocol

(2) versions published in research papers do not provide sufficient detail to enable novices with only limited supervision to properly execute the experiment

(3) the protocol will be of value to others in the life science research community.

To limit redundancy, Bio-protocol avoids publishing protocols already detailed in previous bio-protocols or in other protocol journals, unless there are significant differences that justify the duplication (e.g., application to a new species, organ, or tissue; different types of optimizations to the process; or lack of detail in the already published version).


Articles in Bio-protocol are updatable by authors. Readers are encouraged to post their reproducibility feedback via "Share your feedback." Extensive modifications to existing bio-protocols can also be published as adapted versions and will be linked to the original protocol. Protocols are published in online issues twice a month, on the 5th and the 20th.