Tomarket, a Telegram-based gaming platform with over 40 million users, recently launched its TOMA token on The Open Network (TON) with an airdrop event on November 1, 2024. To participate in the airdrop, users were required to reach at least Bronze level in Tomarket, add a tomato emoji to their display name, and connect a TON wallet. Additionally, those who purchased a premium medal for about $5 in TON or Telegram Stars gained immediate access to their full token allocation, while standard participants face a vesting period.

The TOMA token launch also introduces future benefits for token holders, such as a “Farming Pool” feature to allow users to earn rewards through new projects, and referral incentives offering 10% of generated tokens when new users join through an invite link. This approach aims to foster a sustainable user community and enhance engagement in the Tomarket ecosystem through gaming and earning mechanisms. #tomarket #major #Blum #moonbix #TapSwap $TON