Blum Token, tied to the “Tap to Earn” Telegram game, is gearing up for its listing after some delays that shifted the timeline from an original Q3 2024 launch to November 2024. This delay allowed for additional improvements to its in-app trading functionality and the upcoming decentralized exchange within Telegram, aiming to create a smoother user experience. The listing is expected to be available on platforms like Binance, which could boost liquidity and visibility if finalized.

Pre-launch, Blum Token's price was set at $2.00 in early funding rounds, and analysts anticipate its value could rise to around $5.00 shortly after launch, especially if demand remains high. There’s also a potential for initial volatility due to market dynamics and early sell-offs by airdrop recipients, a trend seen with similar tokens.

For further updates and airdrop participation, check the official Blum and partner exchange channels, as these will offer real-time information on trading and potential incentives tied to the launch. #Blum #moonbix #tomarket #major #TapSwap $TON