The hamster

many people were disappointed with the game; those who could understand how to do compound interest, buy the best cards, and reach mined 8M per hour or more enjoyed the game. Money is that, knowing how to play, knowing which card to move; money is just another game for prosperous people.

hamster moves more than 100 million users; 1% of those users is 1 million people... let's assume that 100,000 users put in 10,000 dollars each, it would be 100,000 x 10,000 = 1,000,000,000 [one billion dollars]

I have high expectations with the hamster; on its Telegram account, they have many users, on Twitter, IG, etc... the update is coming soon, get ready, patience is a virtue.

be cautious with the hamster

congratulations to those who bought #bitcoin at 3k / 7k / 10k / 20k / 30k / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80k 🤑

What country are you reading me from? 😃

total greetings

from Arg