Is the#Bitcoinbear market over?

Everything you need to know:

Indeed, the bear market is over after the RSI breakout in late 2022 that I kept begging you to buy tons of BTC. Indeed, the period when the bear market ends is the end of 2022, when BTC is between 16-18 thousand. The truth is that the end of a bear market does not always mean the beginning of a bull; People underestimate the renewal phase of the market after the bear end and start shouting bull market without fundamental knowledge. When the bear ends, the market engages in price discovery to find the "True fair price". So what happened after the RSI breakout in late 2022?

Who remembers the Tweets in February and March this year where I described the area between 18-21 thousand as the buying zone for Binance? This entry is now considered corporate entry, an area strongly advocated by tons of buyers in the area; most likely Binance bought tons of BTC with minted TUSD. It's a really smart game. After that, the price moved on to the next price discovery until it kissed the 30k level, which was also expected and predicted. This was the first time BTC retested WMA200 more than a year after the malfunction. What happened ? That's right, it was rejected and we went into minus with all our might, while everyone was enthusiastic and calling for a bull run, prices dropped to 25 thousand in a few days. Do you know the difference between bull run and pre-bull and renewal? If the market was truly in a bull run, it could easily break out, which was not the case at the time.

Short to $25,000, take profit and enter long again to $30,000. This time we expected BTC to dump more from the 30-31k region and we prepared for the big short with the target of the 20-23k region. Indeed, BTC crashed exactly as we predicted, but only at 25.up to 000 and $BTC $SOL