What is STON.fi🤔?

STON.fi is an AMM DEX exchange built on the $TON blockchain.

STON.fi Features: 👇

Token Swap🔄

On STON.fi, you can swap tokens. The exchange offers a wide range of tokens, from meme coins to fundamental projects. Token swapping allows you to become part of a project.

Guide - How to swap tokens on STON.fi


Providing Liquidity📊

On STON.fi, you can provide liquidity and earn rewards in the form of fees from trades that utilize your liquidity. Additionally, for extra rewards, some liquidity pools offer farming, where you can add LP tokens.

Guide1 - How to provide liquidity on STON.fi

Guide2 - How to farm on STON.fi

Staking $STON Tokens💎

Staking the STON token on STON.fi allows users to create and vote on proposals related to updates of the STON.fi protocol, adding new networks, fee models, and adding or removing assets.The DAO platform is currently in development.For staking, you also receive (instantly) the GEMSTON token .

Guide - How to Stake on STON.fi

#TON #Crypto