
Episode 2

The way that #DeFi offer to capitalize is brutally good, since a crypto loan offers you the opportunity to multiply your money with a greater benefit than the risk.

In this post I will share the benefits:


* You multiply your capital

* Low risk

* No intermediaries (just you and the DEX)

You just need a good strategy.

A crypto loan is based on placing your cryptocurrencies as collateral and the DEX will lend you 70 to 80% equivalent to the value of your cryptocurrencies.


1000 USD at #Ethereum (left as guarantee)

750 USD (you receive as a loan for your ethereum)

Another great benefit of a crypto loan is that the annual percentage rate is super low compared to a traditional loan from an institution. This annual percentage ranges from 2 to 4% annually.

Leave me your 👍🏼 for part three

In the third part I will talk about the risks and which #DEX are the ones that I personally recommend.
