🎉 15 Years of Bitcoin: personal reflection

I still remember the first time I stumbled upon Satoshi Nakamoto's white paper. It felt like unearthing a treasure, a glimpse into a future I hadn't yet imagined. Today, 15 years later, I'm filled with a mix of nostalgia and awe.

Bitcoin wasn't just a new currency; it was a bold statement, a challenge to the status quo. It sparked in me, and many of us, a passion that's hard to put into words. From late-night debates with friends about its potential to the thrill of my first transaction, Bitcoin has been a journey.

As the Web3 Wave Watcher, I've seen the ripples of that initial splash grow into waves of innovation. Startups, visionaries, skeptics, believers - we've all been part of this incredible story.

Today, let's not just celebrate a white paper. Let's celebrate our collective journey, the ups and downs, the dreams, and the future still unwritten. Here's to us, the crypto community, and the many more chapters we'll write together.

Cheers to $BTC and to all of you! đŸ„‚