According to our investigation, this proposal is meant to remove forked mainline modules from the #TerraLunaClassic blockchain to improve sustainability, enhance security, reduce cost and debt, and subject the blockchain to a significant level of maintainability, as we earlier reported.

By removing the forked mainline modules, we aim to position Terra Classic for long-term sustainability and growth within the Cosmos ecosystem. We believe this approach balances the need for improvement with prudent risk management and community involvement. We welcome feedback and discussion from the Terra Classic community on this proposal.

Prior to this technical decision, the team had raised concerns about possible risks of missing important updates and facing an increasing operational cost if no action is taken on the forked versions of the network. This implies that Terra Luna Classic risked facing a security threat, higher expenses, and diminished competitiveness.

By diverging from the mainline Cosmos SDK and related modules, Terra Classic risks falling behind in adopting key enhancements and new features developed by the broader Cosmos community. This can limit Terra Classic’s competitiveness and make it more difficult to integrate future technologies, upgrades, performance improvements, and other innovations.

From the official release, the proposed solution to remove the forked mainline module and replace it with the standard Cosmos modules will be implemented in two phases. In the first phase, CometBFT would be unforked to the mainline version. On top of that, the team would engage in extensive testing to ensure network stability.

In phase two, Wasmd would be migrated to the “mainline Wasmd” coupled with several other processes listed to be executed. Meanwhile, a snapshot test would mark the end of the whole procedure.

Investigating this further, CNF disclosed that the total budget requested for this development amounted to $36,000. According to the team, phase one would require $16,000 in fiat value, and phase two would demand $20,000.
