Long-Term Investment:

Objective: Long-term investment seeks to build wealth over several years or more, based on the belief in the long-term growth potential of digital currencies.

Strategies: Long-term investors perform fundamental analysis to identify cryptocurrencies with strong growth prospects. They buy and hold these assets for an extended period, regardless of short-term market fluctuations.

Risks: Long-term investment is generally less risky than day trading because it focuses on long-term objectives. However, market and asset-specific risks still apply.

Time Commitment: Long-term investors have a more relaxed time commitment, as they don't need to monitor the markets on a daily basis. They periodically review their portfolio and make necessary adjustments.

In summary, day trading and long-term investment in cryptocurrencies serve different purposes. Day trading is suitable for those comfortable with the fast-paced, short-term nature of trading, while long-term investment is for those who prefer a more relaxed and patient approach to wealth-building. The choice between the two depends on your risk tolerance, available time, and financial goals. Many investors also combine both strate.