Recently, the accumulated trading volume of Bitcoin e-commerce has exceeded 125 trillion US dollars, setting a record high! #__#
This figure is higher than the total global GDP in 2023, truly remarkable! #___#
At the beginning of this year, it was only 114 trillion but has now increased by 125 trillion, an astonishing growth rate! #__#
Such a massive trading volume has an increasingly significant impact on the global financial system!

So, "what is online trading" refers to all transactions that occur on the blockchain. These transactions are encrypted and verified, recorded permanently and cannot be forged or deleted, ensuring the transparency and clarity of each transaction. Traceability.

On-chain transactions of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies involve transferring digital money or tokens within the network. Each transaction includes the amount from the sender-receiver and processing fees.

The rapid growth of on-chain trading volume for Bitcoin is inseparable from its continuous price increase. In the first quarter of 2024, Bitcoin's spot trading volume reached 4.6 trillion US dollars, far exceeding the 2.7 trillion US dollars in Q4 2023.

reflecting the increasing influence and acceptance of Bitcoin in the global financial system. Furthermore, the Bitcoin development community is actively exploring new protocols, realizing Bitcoin through the recharge cycles of the smallest cryptocurrency units. Its impact continues to grow globally, and its integration with the traditional financial system is still in the early stages. #__#
How the future develops deserves our continued attention.