Let's talk about the currencies that the community has talked about and have gained great fame across social media.


Or what is known as Terra Classic

Market Cap 540M

Dominance 0.02%

Circulating supply 5.71 trillion coins, total supply 6.79 trillion coins

Record high price $119 4/5/2022

Record Low Price $0.000016 2022/5/13

It is considered a Mid-marketcap.


The currency that has gained popularity recently

Market Cap 733.38M

Market Dominance 0.03%

Maximum trading supply 420B NERIO

Highest Record Price 0.0022 2024/10/15

Lowest Record Price 0.0000024 2024/8/13

It is considered a Mid marketcap.


In every discussion about digital currencies, this currency will be mentioned. It is the most famous of the zero currencies and is considered a strong and highly popular currency. It is one of the currencies that was issued with the beginning of the development of Bitcoin in 2013.

Coin issue date 2013/2/2

Market Cap 29.72B

Market Dominance 1.22%

Trading Supply 56.81B XRP

Maximum trading supply 100B XRP

Record high $3.84 1/4/2018

Lowest record price $0.0028 2014/7/7

It is considered a high marketcap.

I am pleased to convey to you this important information about the recently popular currencies to see important data about each one. I wish you good luck.