October 27 FIL 5-day data: computing power decreased to 23.113 EiB; physical space decreased to 4.7E; DC computing power 20.4E; total circulation 649 million

October 27: The following data is for 5 days

Filecoin statistics show the total effective computing power of the network is 23.113 EiB (currently the highest is 25.112 EiB, date is February 17, 2024)

From the last time, from October 22 at 18:01 to October 27 at 18:01, in the past 5 days, the total network power decreased by 0.092 EiB (94.208 PiB, average daily decrease of 18.8416 PiB) (currently the highest single day increase is 111 PiB, the highest single day decrease is 163.84 PiB);

The pledge decreased by 431359 FIL in 5 days (average daily decrease of 86272 FIL; currently the total pledge amount is at its highest: 176121944 FIL, date is February 17, 2024);

The amount destroyed increased by 1890 FIL in 5 days (average daily destruction of 378 FIL; the highest single day destruction so far is 87332), totaling 0.40096 billion FIL;

Circulation (inflation) increased by 1844714 FIL in 5 days (average daily increase of 36.8942 FIL; where block rewards are 96121 FIL, currently the total circulation at its highest is: 648560695 FIL);

Single block reward decreased to 6.7821 FIL (currently the lowest is 6.7821 FIL);

Single T income is 0.0040 FIL (currently the lowest is 0.0040 FIL);

Single T pledge is 4.1728 FIL (currently the lowest is 4.1728 FIL);

Gas is 0.0002 FIL (32G sector);

Total account number exceeds 3.23 million, increased by 2541 in 5 days, average daily increase of 508.2;

Active storage provider nodes: 2098, decreased by 26 in 5 days, keep it up!!!

Total release amount approximately: 839.19 million FIL, increased by 1.43 million FIL in 5 days (average daily increase of 290 thousand FIL), compared to about 450 thousand per day before October 15, decreased by about 170 thousand FIL.

Filecoin Plus DC real data exceeds 2.04 EiB, total amount is 2088.96 PiB (accounting for 88% of the total network power after 10 times the power; currently the highest is 2.05 EiB, or 2099.2), decreased by 0.01 EiB in 5 days, or 102.4 PiB (after 10 times the power);

CC data is 2.66 EiB (currently the lowest is 2.66 EiB), decreased by 0.08 EiB in 5 days, or 81.92 PiB, total physical space is 4.70 EiB (currently the lowest is 2.70 EiB), decreased by 0.09 EiB in 5 days, or 92.16 PiB.


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