#BITCOIN : Dark of the moon

Today in the world of cryptocurrency, as in that of investment and the stock market in general, it is difficult to “time” the market. It is difficult to know when exactly a crypto will be at its lowest to enter and when a crypto will be at its highest to exit and take profits. But some technical indicators open the door to predictions and speculation. There are graphical indicators and there is sentiment. The graphic indicators are quite telling and predict the future trend. Sentiment gives a general idea of ​​the market at a given time and much closer than the future. This sentiment shapes the candlesticks on the charts and helps define whether the market is bearish or bullish.

So what is your feeling about the market? Will it continue in its current bullish form or will it turn around before the end of the year? Will $BTC reach $40,000 or drop back to $25,000? You have the floor in comments.

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