Pay attention to what comes in relation to the geopolitical group #BRICS

It is well known that #USA will be affected in the coming years... or months... due to the growth of the BRICS member countries. Remember that many cryptocurrency exchanges do not work in the USA, including #Binance , so if BRICS uses #Blockchain as a new monetary transaction system, we would see a huge increase in the cryptographic world, not only because of the official adoption of this system in developed countries, but also because the BRICS nations are part of 45% of the world's population.

At the moment #BRICS use local currency exchange.

What would happen if they used blockchain?

Is this the path that Satoshi Nakamoto had envisioned for his creation?

Could this lead to an escalation of violent relations between the USA and the rest of the world?

Also keep an eye on the US elections on November 2nd, which will be a key factor for the future not only of developing countries but of all humanity.