I have invested in $MSTR for over six quarters, and the main concepts are to bet on two points:

1. Will MSTR buy BTC this quarter?

2. Is the closing price of BTC up or down compared to the last quarter?

If both conditions are met, I will take a large position to bet on MSTR's financial report. As long as the report is good, I plan to exit right after the report pumps the price.

If only one condition is met, I will look at a third point, which is the prediction for BTC's price in the next quarter—whether it will go up or down. If it is expected to go up, I will continue to take a large position, but not for short-term trading; rather, I will invest according to the expectations for the next quarter.

If it is still negative, I will not invest. #BabyMarvin为何值得你上车 #BabyMarvin可以让你少走弯路 #BabyMarvinf9c7传来好消息 #BabyMarvinf9c7小编 #牛市赛道是那条? BabyMarvin contract address F9c7