According to blockchain data, the lucky miner processed block number 867,118 at 4:18 a.m. ET. The block contained a total of 3,285 transactions, and the miner received 3,329 BTC, or a total of $222,455, as a reward for his work.
The #miner responsible for processing the block was Solo CK Pool, which usually aggregates the hashrates of smaller miners, but only the miner responsible for resolving the block gets rewarded.
#Bitcoin blocks are created roughly every 10 minutes and are usually mined by large #mining pools that pool their computing power to get the best chance at a block reward. Currently, the reward for successfully mining a block is 3.125 #BTC , after it was halved for the first time in four years on April 20.
n n Over the years, mining has become increasingly complex as the size and security of the network has grown. Recently, bitcoin's hash rate reached an all-time high of 769.8 EH/s. Currently, Chinese company Antpool and ViaBTC (the mining pool that mined the first block after bitcoin's recent halving) control 38% of the bitcoin network's total hash rate. However, it is not uncommon for a lone miner to find a block, an unlikely event that is directly related to the miner's ability to solve complex cryptocurrency puzzles on the network.
Last month, another lone miner hit the jackpot by solving 860,749 blocks for a reward of 3,169 BTC.
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