Listening to the press experts, it's different. They look and analyze the basics very accurately:

Markets Insider is an official company portal, which has information about the company Meta Force as follows

💲The first Metaverse block by Vladimir Okhotnikov with basic functionality has been released.

The Meta Force platform team led by Vladimir Okhotnikov announced the completion of the basic phase of the Meta Force platform. The underlying and core software services have been developed, tested and released, the marketplace and payment tools have been launched, and service procedures and rules have been established.

💲Meta Force Мetaverse by Vladimir Okhotnikov

The Meta Force project can be called a synthesis, it has absorbed the strengths of many different technologies. Blockchain provides reliability and security, network marketing provides organizational principles for multi-level project teams.

The purpose of the final update is to improve platform reliability and security, integrate new services, improve overall performance, and prepare for the eventual Metaverse deployment.

Uniteverse, the platform's basic module, has been updated, Force Wallet and an improved Marketplace for Meta Force products have been added, and the scope of Forcecoin has been significantly expanded. Users now have the opportunity to pre-purchase "digital" real estate in the Metaverse.

Introducing Meta Force

Meta Force is a company that develops a DeFi platform to create a comfortable business environment. The company's ultimate goal is to release a fully decentralized Metaverse, a place to work and relax.