The price of PIXEL/USDT has gone up by over 11.73% in the last 24 hours, currently sitting at $0.1734. The chart shows that the price is moving up strongly, breaking through important levels. With a 24-hour high of $0.1740, the coin is testing new peaks. Over the last week and month, it has gained 14.74% and 17.54% respectively, showing solid demand from buyers.Trading volume is also high, with 164.43 million PIXEL and 26.86 million USDT exchanged, reflecting strong interest in the market. The moving averages (MAs) show that sentiment is positive, with the current price above the 7-day and 99-day averages.Based on this data, PIXEL/USDT looks set for more gains today. It could break through its recent highs if buying activity continues. Keep an eye on the resistance level around $0.1764, but overall, the signs point to a likely rise in price.

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