*What is Lido*

Lido is a liquid staking solution backed by industry-leading staking providers. Lido lets users stake their assets - without locking or maintaining infrastructure - whilst participating in on-chain activities, e.g. lending, LPing. Lido currently supports Ethereum (stETH), Terra (bLuna/bETH), and Solana (stSOL). https://blog.lido.fi/how-lido-works/

*Where can I see my stETH rewards*

You can use this calculator to track your daily stETH rewards:


*Where can I use my stETH*

Users can use their stETH/wstETH to participate in various DeFi platforms (eg. LPing in Curve/1inch/SushiSwap, utilizing Yearn/Harvest/Convex vaults to farm these liquidity mining incentives, collateralizing wstETH on Maker to borrow a loan, with more integrations to come in the future. https://help.lido.fi/en/collections/2946727-guides-using-steth-or-ldo

Staking rewards are rewarded to the pool rather than the users' wallet. Because LP tokens entitle users to their share of the increasing pool, users would essentially be able to withdraw more than their original deposit assuming there is no impermanent loss.


*What is LDO*

LDO is an Ethereum token granting governance rights in the Lido DAO. The Lido DAO governs a set of liquid staking protocols, decides on key parameters (eg. fees) and executes protocol upgrades to ensure efficiency and stability.


Introducing the **Community Staking Module Early Adoption Program**: A Unique Opportunity for Solo Stakers 🌐

Eligible operators can benefit from:

1ïžâƒŁ Early access to the CSM mainnet, avoiding competition from large staking entities for ETH allocations.

2ïžâƒŁ A reduced requirement of just 1.5 ETH to run a validator - far below the usual 32 ETH.

3ïžâƒŁ The potential to earn up to 2.37x higher rewards per ETH compared to traditional solo staking.
