In the crypto world, don't be envious of how much profit others make or how many times they earn; focus on your own trading. Accumulate enough capital. Don't compare, don't be jealous!

Just like Zhang San, who only took two dollars given by his family when he went out; he bought gloves with his own efforts to work on a construction site and earned 160 yuan in a day, which is already 80 times his initial capital!

Now look, when drinking, others drink Moutai while we drink Erguotou, but the feeling of being tipsy is the same. When traveling, others sit in business class on the high-speed train while we sit in second class, but we arrive at the same time! It's the same in trading; even if everyone buys at the bottom, the profits may differ, but that doesn't mean our trades lack value.

Don't envy others' stylish leather shoes; who knows if they have fungal toenails or athlete's foot—one infection can lead to two!


Life is short, why should we desperately chase after others' footsteps? We should focus more on our own trading and concentrate on our growth and progress.

#YGG、ADA、ENA解锁 #特朗普家族加密项目 #山寨季要来了吗?