In the cryptocurrency world, whether you are a novice or a player who has been involved for a year or two, it is easy to fall into a misconception that certain coins will definitely rise, just because they haven't increased much yet. However, one may not realize that, with the consolidation of leading coins, the misfortune of junk coins may just begin.

To know, it is extremely difficult to select a hundredfold or even tenfold coin in the cryptocurrency world. One must sift through a vast number of coins, observe repeatedly, and go through many challenges. Because of this, the entry fee charged by true experts can easily be hundreds of U.

In fact, most coins need to be ambushed in advance to make a profit, especially to have the potential for big earnings. If you choose the right coins, even with a small principal, you can still achieve good returns. However, this not only requires vision but also the ability to hold onto profits; otherwise, everything is zero.

Investing in the cryptocurrency world, a small amount of capital can be used for adventurous trials, while a large amount should be used to purchase quality coins as a safety net. This is my personal experience, shared with everyone, hoping it can help my brothers, and I wish everyone can achieve their dreams in the cryptocurrency world!

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