Do you know how much you have to pay for opening contracts frequently? Maybe you don't know, or maybe you haven't really understood this issue. Then let me tell you today how much you have wasted in fees:
Open Binance APP-Funds-Contracts-Today's Profit and Loss-Funding Fees and Transaction Fees. You can see your fees for the past year. Are you surprised 😲 Why are there so many? You are right. Many times you lose money when you close your positions at cost price. Do you know why? Because you ignore the fees. Don't underestimate this little bit of fees. The number will be amazing when it accumulates.
What are you waiting for? Start the rebate! There is a saying: Save what you should save and spend what you should spend. Why waste it? You can save 🍎16 a week by opening positions frequently, or even save you a small BMW a month. Do you believe it?
Whether you are a new user or an old user, as long as you don't have a rebate, you don't need to cancel your account or wait for 30 days. You can have it instantly! Action is worse than thought.