If Bitcoin continues to rise, since Bitcoin transfers use Bitcoin as a handling fee, the handling fee will also rise accordingly. Assuming that Bitcoin rises 100 times, the handling fee will also rise 100 times. In the past two months, the average minimum handling fee for a Bitcoin transfer is between 7 yuan and 100 yuan. If Bitcoin rises 100 times, the handling fee will reach an average of 700 to 10,000 yuan. At that time, the Bitcoin network will become unusable, the Bitcoin ecosystem will also suffer a devastating blow, and the handling fee will become unacceptable!

If the price does not rise, as the output of Bitcoin is halved, it will become difficult for miners to survive, the total number of miners will decrease, leading to the concentration of computing power and an increased risk of#51attacks.

If the price rises, as transaction fees become higher and higher, the vast majority of users will cancel small Bitcoin transfers, the contribution of transaction fees will decrease, the miner procedures will be further reduced, and the total number of miners will also decrease, which will eventually lead to the concentration of computing power and increase the risk of#51attack.

So Bitcoin is currently in a dilemma: a price increase makes the network difficult to use, and a price reduction will lead to a#51attack. So how do we solve this acute problem?

Using brc20 and src20 technology to denominate bitcoins and form#Bitcoinface value . Using#Bitcoinface value system to increase income for miners and introducing Bitcoin Lightning Network can solve the problem. Even if bitcoin does not rise, the long-term security of the Bitcoin network can be maintained.

According to the global consensus on face value, the traditional face value is related to the leader, the country, has financial attributes, has size, is composed of a set of face values, and is anti-counterfeiting. A set of data was found on Bitcoin that cleverly conforms to people's consensus on face value, that is, the Bitcoin halving data. This set of data is strongly related to Satoshi Nakamoto, related to the development of Bitcoin, has financial attributes, has size, is composed of a set of data, and is deployed on brc20/src20 with uniqueness and anti-counterfeiting.

The specific data are:

The number of Bitcoins mined after the 2012 halving is 10,500,000, which is rounded to 11MM and rounded to 10MM.

The number of Bitcoins mined after the 2016 halving is 15,750,000, which is rounded to 16MM and rounded to 15MM.

The number of Bitcoins mined after the 2020 halving is 18,375,000, the international financial abbreviation for rounding is 18MM, and the international financial abbreviation for rounding is 18MM.

The number of Bitcoin mined after the halving in 2024 is 19,687,500, the international financial abbreviation rounded to 20MM, and the international financial abbreviation rounded to 19MM.

The number of Bitcoins mined after the halving in 2028 is 20,343,750, which is rounded to 20MM in international financial abbreviation and rounded to 20MM in international financial abbreviation.

The number of Bitcoins mined after the halving in 2032 is 20,671,875, rounded to 21MM and rounded to 20MM.

The international financial abbreviation of this set of data is used to give Bitcoin a face value, and Bitcoin is accurately denominated. MM is both a unit of quantity and a unit of size. In this way, Bitcoin is cleverly sized to achieve face value. Bitcoin in the future will be different. There will be 10MM (10 mm) Bitcoin, 11MM (11 mm) Bitcoin, 15MM (15 mm) Bitcoin, 16MM (16 mm) Bitcoin, 18MM (18 mm) Bitcoin, 19MM (19 mm) Bitcoin, 20MM (20 mm) Bitcoin, and 21MM (21 mm) Bitcoin.

At present, most of these Bitcoin par values ​​have been obtained by the Bitcoin community, and 51% of the total amount will be donated to #BitcoinParValueSystemparvalue.ai to continue to pay Bitcoin miners and increase their income. This system is based on the Bitcoin address of the mining pool. Whenever the mining pool address obtains a block, the address can go to the Bitcoin Par Value System to collect the corresponding Bitcoin par value according to the tail number of the block. For example, if the mining pool address obtains a block, such as the block tail number is 903009, then the address can go to the Bitcoin Par Value System to collect 19MM (19 millimeters) of Bitcoin. The recipients are only small and medium-sized mining pools. This reward method is to disperse the computing power and solve the 51% attack. At the same time, it increases the income of Bitcoin miners, so that miners will not shut down and continue to maintain the security of the Bitcoin network.

Summary: If the price of Bitcoin continues to rise, Bitcoin will become increasingly difficult to use due to the simultaneous increase in handling fees; if the price of Bitcoin does not rise, the output will be halved every four years, miners' income will decrease, leading to shutdowns, and ultimately to the concentration of computing power and the emergence of#51attacks. Only by rewarding#Bitcoinpar value to miners through the#Bitcoinpar value system parvalue.ai and increasing the income of Bitcoin miners can this problem be solved, and#Bitcoinpar value can solve the 51 attack and achieve the security of the Bitcoin network. #BTC☀