It’s so hard to make money in this bull market... Damn it! Bitcoin has exceeded the highest point of 69,000 in the last bull market... More than 90% of the small copycat coins are still priced below half... What the hell 🧶... Grayscale, the main force in the last bull market, has become the Air Force One of this bull market... If we talk about the current main forces BlackRock and Fidelity... They are unsurpassed! In the last bull market, I bought and bought casually, and held a lot of more than 50 times in September and October 2021, and there were also many 100 times... What does this bull market mean? ? I still don’t quite understand... It’s too difficult, even the old leeks are stumped! But the old leeks still believe: the so-called bull market must not be just Bitcoin and some individual bulls, all good varieties will be bullish! It’s just a matter of time... It will explode sooner or later! Guard your own chips, don’t add leverage unless it’s very low... Don’t move around, trying to make a spread! It’s easy to catch water with a bamboo basket... 😄😄