$BNB In a village, there was a well of fresh water from which all the villagers drank. One day, a dog fell into the well, and the water became spoiled and no longer fit for drinking.
The villagers were upset and confused about how to solve the problem. They agreed to seek help from the village wise man.
The wise man came, took a look at the well, and said, "The easiest solution is to take out the dead dog first." The people rushed to take out the dog, but the water remained spoiled. The wise man said, "Now you have to take out all the spoiled water and fill the well with clean water." The villagers followed his instructions, and after a while the well became pure and fresh again.
Lesson: In our lives, we may face problems that affect the clarity of our minds or souls. We may think that the solution to the problem lies in getting rid of the apparent cause, but it requires cleaning up the effects of the problem completely and renewing our energy and life with goodness and purity in order to regain our inner clarity.
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