Deep Dive: #Shibainu


Market Cap & Circulation Supply:

Market Cap: ~$5.8 billion (slightly lower than BONK's ~$6.2 billion)

Circulation Supply: 1 quadrillion tokens (compared to BONK's 20 trillion)


Lower market cap suggests potentially higher volatility compared to #BONK

Vastly larger circulation supply could contribute to price fluctuations.

Liquidity score :

CoinMarketCap: 0.63 (considered average to good)

Relatively good liquidity compared to BONK (0.44), indicating easier buying/selling.

Global GDP Comparison:

Market cap roughly equivalent to 0.005% of global GDP (similar to BONK's 0.006%).

Risk & Opportunity Assessment:

#Risks :

High supply and lower market cap suggest higher volatility risk.

Market sentiment heavily influenced by social media hype.

Limited real-world use cases increase reliance on speculation.


Established community and large market presence offer potential for growth.

Active development roadmap promising potential future utilities.

Lower market cap compared to BONK might represent bigger upside potential.

Comparison to #BONK :

Similar technical and fundamental characteristics in terms of launch date, high supply, and meme coin association.

BONK enjoys slightly higher market cap and lower circulation supply, potentially suggesting lower volatility.

SHIB boasts better liquidity score and established community, possibly offering easier trade execution and long-term stability.


#Shibaprice $SHIB presents a potential BONK alternative with a large community, active development, and easier trade execution. However, its higher volatility and reliance on speculation warrant cautious consideration.