Let me talk about this fee rate: as the price rises, the Bitcoin fee rate will increase while being fixed at 0.001... If the price drops, the fee rate will also decrease... It is calculated based on the market value of the position + the fee rate! Bitcoin and some old currencies are settled every 8 hours, and those that have been listed on the platform within one year are settled every 4 hours! The ten major mainstream fee rates generally do not change much, and generally maintain 0.001. Even if there is a big pull in the market, the fee rate will rise, and it will drop after 8 hours... Small coins are different. New coins are settled in 4 hours, and the fee rate for a big increase is often increased to more than 20 times or 4-50 times! It's milking its legs... This... Even if you copy it at the bottom at a low position, you can't hold it as a long-term spot... It rose sharply and fell again... The fee rate has been deducted... The profit will be vomited again, it's in vain! Therefore, small currency contracts can only be used for swings, and all positions are cleared and entered into spot after a wave of increase! It is not suitable for medium and long-term spot holding! Contracts are suitable for unilateral rising or falling markets... The sideways market is the most difficult! 😂😂