In less than 12 hours since its launch, ApeChain has completed more than 360,000 transactions, with a cumulative transaction fee of 495.17 APE. In addition, 1,204 contracts have been deployed on ApeChain, including 45 token contracts. These data show that ApeChain is rapidly gaining acceptance and support from users and developers.

ApeChain's rapid development is due to its construction on Arbitrum technology, which adopts Arbitrum's security and infrastructure while maintaining the benefits of being an independent chain. ApeChain also plans to adopt four key milestones on the Arbitrum roadmap to support ApeCoin, including Timeboost, BoLD, Cluster Chains, and Stylus. These technical upgrades will further enhance ApeChain's performance and security.

#APEUSDT #apechain #ape #apecoin #APE.智能策略库🥇🥇