At present, the price trend and prospects of Pi coin (PI) are still highly concerned by the market, but there are also certain uncertainties. The Pi network has not yet fully opened the mainnet, so most of the Pi coins circulating on the exchange are IOUs (debt certificates), not real tokens. Therefore, its market price is highly volatile and there is a lot of hype.

According to recent analysis, the price of Pi coin is currently fluctuating around $40. At the end of 2024, the market predicts that its price may remain between $30 and $60, depending on the mainnet launch and market sentiment. If the Pi network goes online as scheduled in 2024, Pi coin may experience a short-term upsurge. However, market experts also warn that the initial listing may be accompanied by large-scale sell-offs, which may lead to a rapid price correction  .

In the long run, if the Pi network gains wider adoption and support, the price of Pi coin is expected to gradually climb in the next few years. For example, by 2030, its price may reach $200 or more. However, most of these predictions are based on market sentiment and technological developments, so the actual situation may differ from the predictions .

Investing in Pi coins still requires caution. It is recommended to fully understand its potential risks before investing funds and pay attention to the latest developments of its main network.