We all know that with the development of the cryptocurrency world, there is no need to say much about the king of coins BTC, ICO has made ETH popular, and EOS once claimed that 3.0 would defeat ETH. It can be said that many people want to defeat ETH, but in the end it was found that 90% of the application ecological traffic in the cryptocurrency world is concentrated on ETH!

Before 2019, everyone wanted to compete with ETH for the top spot in the public chain; after that, everyone just wanted to get a piece of the pie based on the ETH ecosystem, so an unwritten rule has been formed until now. BTC, as the king of all currencies, is like gold. Although its circulation has certain limitations, it has the highest synchronicity, which cannot be questioned or challenged. ETH is like the US dollar at the end of the last century, dominating the world. All trade and commodities are inseparable from the US dollar. It has become a global currency in circulation, referred to as the world currency!

Then ETH also has its own limitations, such as high mining fees and slow TPS, which will have great limitations on commercial operations. The slow processing speed will cause the overall market circulation to be too slow and unable to support excessive, strong, and larger economic activities. The cost is too high, and it is not a good choice for consumers!

Based on this, two major directions have emerged in 2017 to solve this problem: 1. New public chains compete directly with ETH; 2. Develop ETH's Layer2, and directly migrate various ecosystems and DeFi built on the first layer of ETH to the network through good performance. The cost is much lower than the on-chain cost of the first layer of ETH, and the processing speed is several times or even hundreds of times that of the former, so as to attract the migration of projects on the first layer of ETH. These are referred to as L2

Today we are going to introduce Polygon, which was born in 2017. As of 2021, the Polygon network has processed more than three times the transaction volume of the first layer of ETH, but the gas fee is only 0.01% of the former, which is simply "interbank robbery" #POL

As a governance token, matic’s nearly 1,000-fold increase in value in 2021 really surprised all L2 partners!

No matter how glorious Polygon was before, with the booming development of the crypto industry, it needs to keep pace with the times and update technology to achieve better development!

POL is a massive technological upgrade of MATIC, achieving the benefits of multi-chain staking without increasing the risk of re-staking. This is the principle of Polygon 2.0!

Polygon 2.0 plans to expand the Polygon ecosystem from a single chain to multiple interoperable L2 chains. For example, Polygon POS will become one of the L2 chains.

The POL token is designed to support validators to play more roles and participate in more chains within the Polygon network.

People who hold POL can stake POL on the hub to verify any L2 chain, and can also participate in other tasks such as generating proofs to obtain higher returns without having to transfer the pledged assets again. POL has two dimensions of innovation in re-pledge: 1. POL supports encapsulation and re-pledge to avoid relying on third parties; 2. POL can be used not only to ensure the security of the chain, but also to ensure the security of the Agg layer, DAC, etc.

Compared with other L2s, the innovation of re-staking assets is unique. From this perspective alone, the migration of POL to MAT and MAT will attract more participants, making upgrades and migrations smoother and continuing the energy of the ecosystem!

This will not only make L2 more convenient, but also attract developers and ecosystem participants, making the interaction and interoperability between chains more convenient, which is very conducive to the integration of the ecosystem. Perhaps in the next bull market, when the volume increases geometrically, better applications and phenomenal applications will be born more and more on polygons. For the entire ecosystem and pol, these are inestimable values! #pol