Is this the shyness of the bull market? Or the calm before the storm?

We can't help but ask, is the market brewing another big shock, intending to completely clean out those unstable and unsteady elements?

Perhaps those keen investors smelled the breath of danger, and they quickly evacuated before the storm, like cunning foxes, and exchanged their altcoins for Bitcoin, a "safe haven".

This is a silent escape, a fear and avoidance of unknown risks.

And the external environment is like a huge powder keg that may explode at any time. The ambiguous attitude of the Federal Reserve on interest rate cuts, the tensions in the Middle East, South Korea and North Korea, Russia and Ukraine, and the turmoil in the US, Japanese and European economies, as well as the real estate market around us, each factor is like a spark on a powder keg, and a catastrophic explosion may be triggered if you are not careful.

Although this storm may not be as thrilling as the one in 2020, it is enough to plunge the market into chaos.

In this context, we have to be vigilant and act cautiously. After all, the future market is full of uncertainty, whether it is a bull market or a bear market, there are unpredictable risks.

No matter how optimistic you are about the future market, you should keep a calm mind now. Don't borrow blindly, don't covet temporary profits and fall into a situation where you can't extricate yourself. When risks come, you must learn to stop losses in time and protect your principal.

The bull market is just beginning. If you are not suitable for taking big cakes, and want to take a high multiple with a cottage but don't know which coin to take, then pay attention to Ike and observe 🐖, and you will lay out the entire bull market.

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