$SUI Sui token economics and 52% of “unallocated” SUI are the biggest black boxes.

SUI claims to have a total supply cap of 10 billion, of which 52% will be “unallocated” before 2030.

But the problem is that more than 8 billion SUI are currently staked, and more than 84% of the staked supply is held by the founding team. So to some extent, SUI is undoubtedly centralized, that is, the founders control most of the supply, and there are no lock-up periods and legal guarantees.

That is to say, legal loopholes protect them, which is why the liquid supply chart released by the Sui Foundation is a lie - it means that the so-called staked SUI has no lock-up period at all!

In addition, of the total supply of 10 billion, 160 million were allocated to the for-profit institution Mysten Labs, 600 million were allocated to "early contributors", and nearly 1.5 billion went directly to venture capital firms...

Plus more than 1 billion "staking subsidies" - these subsidies will eventually return to the founding team because they actually control most of the staked shares.

Not only can they manipulate consensus, but if they decide to sell, they can also cause the entire market to collapse overnight. However, from a game theory perspective, they are more likely to choose to slowly squeeze the interests of retail investors by gradually selling.

This may explain why SUI has a "supply cap" and the recent rise in popularity is a good time to ship. Infrastructure partners have shipped 400 million US dollars and have not caused a significant drop!