Trust Wallet is #Binance 's official decentralized crypto wallet, users fully control their passwords and private keys to manage their assets themselves. Launched in 2017, it now has more than 70 million global users.

What's new with Trust Wallet?

✔️ New appearance: Logo, app interface is simpler, easier to see and more modern than the old version

✔️ Easier asset management: Add asset filtering feature by network, avoiding confusion when moving tokens

✔️ Swap & trade: Supports 1000+ pairs from Binance DEX and 1inch

✔️ Staking, Buy/Sell: Staking profits of more than 20 coins, trading Crypto with fiat with a network of 6 providers: Moonpay, Ramp, Mercuryo,...

✔️ News: Collection of hottest & trending news, analysis articles from reputable units

✔️ Trust Wallet now has a mobile app, as well as a desktop browser.

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