Hunting for Airdrop from De.Fi 🪂🚀

De.Fi is an aggregator of tools for analyzing tokens, wallets, security and more. DeBank, but only with antivirus.

The exact amount of investment is not disclosed, but among investors there are a lot of tier 1-2 funds + large exchanges, so they are definitely guaranteed a good listing.

Until October 27, we can receive the Early Adopter achievement💡 I think that, by analogy with DeBank, for this we will receive a free “De.Fi ID”, which now costs $100 from DeBank.

📄 I have written a detailed guide for you on how to get this achievement, you can find all the details in the profile header 👀

📢 The project will 100% have its own token; tokenomics states that 3% will go towards rewards for users.

♨️ There are 2 days left, so I advise you not to skip this activity so as not to bite your elbows later.

Good luck and profit to everyone! 💲

#BinanceSquare #Airdrop #Crypto2023