As a trader, how can you become the ultimate winner?

I am an old leeks, and I have experienced countless baptisms. I have summarized a set of suggestions that can continue to become a winner in this industry. I hope to help those who are destined to be with me.

First: Always remember that the principal is the first. Only by keeping the principal can you have the opportunity to make money. The principal can be lost, but it can never be earned.

Second: There must be a sustainable income. With income, you will not panic, and it is also a risk resistance ability.

Third: Never go all-in, and operate with funds in warehouses. Once the all-in is wrong, it will be irreversible and the mentality will easily collapse.

Fourth: Only do large cycles and do not look at K-lines below 1 hour. The trend of too small level changes too much and cannot catch big profits.

Fifth: Don't be greedy, and split the warehouse when you encounter pressure. Stop profit in batches can make better and more flexible use of funds.

Sixth: Dare to buy at the bottom and try to enter the warehouse when you encounter support. Dare to try when the opportunity comes.

Seventh: Don't learn too many techniques and focus on one set of gameplay. If you learn too much, you will be confused and don’t know which plan is the best

Article 8: Strictly stop loss and never hold on. Holding on may make it back, but it may also be a mess

Article 9: Be brave to try new hot spots and small funds. The odds of new things will be high, what if it is a lottery

Article 10: Don’t envy anyone and focus on self-improvement. Others’ will always be others’, and you have the right to control yourself

Article 11: Don’t expect others to feed you, it’s unrealistic.

Article 12: You must withdraw money from time to time, only when you withdraw money can you have the desire to make money

Article 13: Learn to wait and have no chance to control your hands. Frequent trading will be affected by emotions, thus reducing judgment

The above is my summary of the past few years. It is difficult to implement, but I persisted. I believe that the next winner is myself. I will continue to share new insights later.