The deposit levels of ordinary people are as follows:

1. First: 200,000 yuan: Needless to say, it is basically at the level of "solving food and clothing".

2. Second: 500,000 yuan: It can cope with some emergencies, but it is still insufficient in the face of major events.

3. Third: 1 million yuan: With a certain economic foundation, some small investments can be considered, but it is still far from financial freedom.

4. Fourth: 2 million yuan: More diversified financial planning can be carried out, and the pressure of life is relatively reduced.

5. Fifth: 3 million yuan: There are more choices in many aspects, but it is still necessary to plan the future carefully.

6. Sixth: 5 million yuan: When wealth accumulates to a certain extent, some higher quality of life pursuits can be achieved.

7. Seventh: 8 million yuan: The economy is relatively affluent, and some stable investment layouts can be boldly carried out.

8. Eighth: 10 million yuan: Basically achieve financial freedom and live with ease.

The deposit level of ordinary people has gradually increased, and different stages have different living conditions and planning priorities. No matter what stage you are in, it is crucial to manage your finances and consume rationally, and work hard for a better life.