This is honest advice I can give to you:

Most of you won’t understand it,

But for those who do,

It will help you.


What you have to remember about the past is that,

It literally DOESN'T exist.

It exists ONLY in your mind, your memories.

No more real than a daydream is.

Your memories are most likely not as accurate as you think they are.

They are colored by your emotions and how you were feeling and colored by your memory itself.

Your mind exaggerates some things and totally forgets other things.

Someone else who experienced the exact same thing as you most likely remembers it much differently.

Memories are NOT accurate and CANNOT be trusted.

We gain our sense of self from our memories.

We decide who we are because of our memories.

We write a story about our life and tell ourselves that story to form our sense of self.

Because the past doesn't exist anymore and what you remember happening probably didn't happen the way you remember at all, you can rewrite it.

Rewrite the story you tell about yourself to yourself.

Rewrite your personal story and rewrite your past and you rewrite yourself.

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