When a test-taker decides to leave the small town

On the streets of Wuhan in 1999, 9-year-old Justin Sun began an adventure of his own.

Not long ago, he saw an interview with Go prodigy Chang Hao in a magazine, which aroused his great curiosity about Go.

Upon learning that Chang Hao's teacher, Go master Nie Weiping, was the honorary principal of a Go school in Wuhan, Justin Sun told his mother without hesitation that he wanted to go to Wuhan to learn Go.

His parents agreed without hesitation, but the price he paid was that he had to go alone and live by himself.

The summer in Wuhan is so hot that people feel dizzy, and the winter without heating makes people shiver. The young Sun Yuchen could not adapt to the meals in the cafeteria and could not eat a meal in a day. Other children had their parents visit them, but he was alone and could only sob secretly in his quilt with longing, and fall asleep slowly when he was tired of crying.

It was also at this time that he realized for the first time: In life, one can only choose and bear the consequences for oneself.

Later, Justin Sun described himself as a true "adult" in this year.

People do not become adults at the age of 18. "When a person learns to make free choices, knows the price of free choices, and is willing to take responsibility for his choices, he becomes an adult."

Three years of studying abroad did not bring an inspiring ending. Justin Sun gradually realized that he did not have much talent in Go. After failing to become a professional Go player, he returned to his hometown.

Returning to his small town in Guangdong, Justin Sun became a thorn in the eyes of his teachers. He matured earlier than his peers and also became rebellious earlier.

On the road of rebellion, Justin Sun found his idol. He was determined to emulate Han Han and achieve success in writing articles, but the several articles he submitted were ignored.

Repeated rejections aroused the young man's strong self-esteem. He moved his base from the game cafe to the library, studying previous award-winning works word by word, and finally won the first prize in the 9th New Concept Composition Competition.

When he arrived in Shanghai for the rematch, the 17-year-old Justin Sun stood on the bustling streets of the metropolis and once again felt a strong impact, but this time, he was no longer as helpless and confused as he was at the age of 9.

Looking at the brightly lit "Wall Street of the East" in front of him, Justin Sun secretly made up his mind:

"This is my city. My life is destined to belong to this place."

The award from the essay contest enabled him to obtain extra points in the college entrance examination. A bold decision emerged in Sun Yuchen’s mind - to apply to Peking University.

But for a high school student with only a third-tier degree, extra points alone were far from enough, so he began a hellish review to prepare for the exam. For a whole year, no one except Justin Sun knew what he had been through.

A goal that is tempting enough makes this rebellious small town boy instantly become a "test-taker". Confusion and ridicule are mixed in the test papers and the sea of ​​questions, burning vigorously during adolescence.

In the summer when he was 17, Justin Sun finally got his long-overdue adult gift:

An admission letter from Peking University.

Become famous early

In 1944, Zhang Ailing, who was in her early 20s, wrote in her work (Legend):

“You should become famous as early as possible. If you become famous too late, the happiness will not be as satisfying.”

More than half a century later, Justin Sun, a freshman in the Chinese Department of Peking University, also understands this well.

When he first came to Beijing to study, he didn't have any close friends, so he quickly started to actively socialize.

In the freshman admission group, he sent friend requests to the freshmen of the 2007 class one by one, and attached a 200-word self-introduction to each one: "Hello, I am Sun Yuchen, a freshman of the 2007 class. My hobbies are... My email address is..."

He made his debut in such a grand manner.

At the end of the first academic year, Sun Yuchen was keenly aware that it was difficult for him to excel in the Chinese Department, so he decisively downgraded to the History Department. He originally had an above-average grade, but his GPA in the History Department jumped directly to first place, and he maintained this level until graduation.

In the History Department of Peking University, Sun Yuchen completed his "transformation". He published many papers, which caused quite a stir. At the same time, he was active in campus clubs and Renren.com with his sharp words.

In 2010, Justin Sun graduated from Peking University ahead of schedule. Half a year later, he and Jiang Fangzhuo, who was studying at Tsinghua University at the time, appeared on the cover of Asia Weekly.

Above the photo of the two people, there are two lines of eye-catching characters:

"China's post-90s elites are the eggs laid by the Internet."

Although he was already famous, Sun Yuchen still had his sights set on the academic circle. After a hellish GRE preparation, he applied to the Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, an Ivy League school in the United States, with the first place in the History Department of Peking University.

During his graduate studies, he visited his long-admired idol Yu Yingshi, but when he learned that a big shot like him only made $100,000 a year, less than a newcomer on Wall Street, Sun Yuchen remained silent.

Wealth, money... these words began to enter his thinking. Fortunately, before he figured out the meaning of life, the turning point of his fate had already arrived.

He tried to invest the tuition money he had saved, but accidentally bet on Tesla stock and cryptocurrency, which were about to take off.

This poor student, who once had a monthly living expense of only 1,000 yuan, achieved "financial freedom" overnight and finally found the direction of his life - to become a lifelong entrepreneur.

Soon, he returned to China as the chief representative of Ripple Labs Greater China and began traveling around to meet with investors.

The process was far less smooth than expected. The young man’s recklessness and enthusiasm repeatedly collided with investors’ doubts and scrutiny, so much so that five years after he successfully founded TRON, he was still angrily writing about the past on his WeChat Moments.

"I flipped through a photo with my friends on New Year's Day. On November 24, 2014, I was recording a show with Wang Xiaochuan. I will never forget the look in his eyes when he looked at me as if I were a liar. He said I was a liar and would definitely fail, and that it was a shame to record a show with me. In the end, I couldn't even continue. Less than three years later, my company's (market value) exceeded that of Sogou. In life, the people who look down on you will spur you on more deeply."

After posting, he added another sentence in the comment section:

“The ultimate purpose of starting a business is to change the world, not to prove who is right or wrong. But these unforgettable humiliations and spurs are also the driving force for struggle.”

Shortly after this post was published on WeChat Moments, Justin Sun announced a breaking news on the social media platform - he won the opportunity to have lunch with Warren Buffett, the stock god, for $4.56 million, and added a hashtag for himself - #SunYuChenWinsSkyPricedLunch#.

So far, this topic has been read 120 million times. However, on the eve of the meeting, Justin Sun temporarily canceled the date due to sudden kidney stones, which aroused the biggest doubts from the outside world.

Although Justin Sun made up for the meeting a year later, a highly controversial Internet image has become his label.

Many years later, when this matter was mentioned again, Justin Sun simply replied:

"This lunch means a lot to me. Not everything in life has to be measured in money. When the opportunity comes, grab it."

The unchanging character of entrepreneurs

When trying to understand Justin Sun, one always finds himself in a dilemma. It is difficult to simply describe him in one or a few words.

On the one hand, he is eccentric, high-profile, good at hype and attracting attention, and he can always quickly appear at the forefront of hot topics on the Internet;

On the other hand, the Internet has changed several times, and even "entrepreneurship" itself is no longer a popular word, but Sun Yuchen's identity as an entrepreneur remains strong. It seems difficult for a person to lead a company with thousands of employees just by being arrogant.

In 2015, when Justin Sun participated in the recording of "A Date with Luyu", the program team played an interview with entrepreneur Feng Lun.

Feng Lun had met Sun Yuchen once as an interviewer. At that time, he asked the question: "When you and your company are successful enough in China, what will you do?"

Sun Yuchen, who was just starting out at the time, had the idea that "although he only had two eggs, he had a heart to open a chicken farm." He fully elaborated on his understanding of the future of China's business civilization and how to contribute to it.

The interview ended quickly, and it was not until the interview with Feng Lun was released on the show that Justin Sun learned for the first time about the other party's evaluation of him.

Feng Lun said: “When I heard Sun Yuchen’s answer, I knew he was a graduate of Peking University, because he couldn’t hide his desire to do more than make money.

When talking about work, Justin Sun's expression becomes serious.

Before the age of 30, he called on young people not to buy houses or cars, but to use all their energy to improve themselves.

After he turned 30, he joked that he had no life and his only hobby was work.

At the end of July, he just celebrated his 34th birthday in the company. Before making a wish on the birthday cake, he joked: In the past, there were 20 employees in the company, and everyone would get together to celebrate their birthdays, but now it is not possible because dozens of people have birthdays at the same time every month.

After ten years of entrepreneurship, you can imagine the amount of mental and physical effort required to run a company from 20 people to thousands of people.

Justin Sun spends most of his time working, and he describes himself as an athlete playing football in the blockchain track.

Get up every day, eat breakfast, train, eat lunch, train again, and review. Apart from devoting myself to training, there are basically no other unnecessary activities.

"The only goal now is to win this game."

As for the many comments and controversies from the outside world, Justin Sun has gradually learned to let go ten years later.

“It’s not that I have a broad mind, but I deeply understand how heavy my responsibility is. The only thing I care about is whether the user assets are 100% safe, and whether the daily transfers of 200 million TRON users are smooth and safe enough.”

“For many people, money may still be a tool to enjoy, or a possibility of freedom, but in my opinion, it is more like a part of order, an order that requires a lot of time and effort to defend. I deeply understand the serious consequences of disorder in the financial field.”

It has to be said that the times are tolerant, and Justin Sun is also lucky.

In his eyes, opportunities and trends are never scarce in this era. What is scarce is struggle, enterprising spirit, and individuals; as well as, in times when opportunities are in excess, the ability to concentrate chips and judge opportunities.

The market has experienced ups and downs, and is full of changes in its complexity. Sun Yuchen's background as an entrepreneur ultimately became the backing that enabled him to remain present through both bull and bear markets.

This summer, the song "The Tron Anthem" created by Justin Sun and Hans Zimmer for Tron, which took two years to create, was finally released. The melodious tune progresses layer by layer, and finally bursts out with a majestic momentum, which is exactly the vision that Justin Sun has placed on the Web3.0 era.

“I hope this song can bring strength to many people, but not an aggressive force like a monster, but a gentle and compassionate force like water.”

Ten years ago, new entrepreneur Justin Sun compared himself to an alien who came to Earth from a two-dimensional world.

Ten years later, Justin Sun hopes that his career will be more like the sea, with the power to smooth rocks, endless vitality, and accommodating all things.

Changes are still happening and the future is still worth looking forward to.

But what we know is that when a person sets his goal as the sea of ​​stars, the road ahead of him is destined not to be a smooth one.

After writing many issues about Justin Sun, I found that his experience is simply amazing. It is undeniable that he is a hero-level figure. Those who want to know more about him can follow him and learn and communicate together.

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