Pareto's Law, or the 80/20 rule, suggests that 80% of the results come from 20% of the efforts. In the crypto world, this rule can be a great ally in maximizing your profits.

For example, a large portion of your returns could come from a few key coins, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. Investing in these stablecoins will allow you to generate consistent profits, while allocating a smaller percentage to riskier coins can give you growth opportunities without compromising your portfolio too much.

Furthermore, if you analyze your trades, it is likely that a small percentage of your trades are generating the majority of your profits. Focusing on repeating those successful patterns will allow you to optimize your investments without spending too much energy on other, less profitable assets.

Finally, in a market as vast as crypto, learning the basics, such as technical analysis and blockchain technology, can be more productive than trying to cover everything. So, with the 20% of the most relevant knowledge, you will be better prepared to get 80% of your results.

