Everyone is writing these wonderful articles about methods of getting rich through trading, so I will try to help you and give you a truly effective method.

Just don’t throw stones at me right away, because of all the advisers here in the feed, only I have 15+ years of experience and the status of a professional participant on the US stock exchange (license and capital).

For me, crypto is a developing market and I invest a small part of my capital in a portfolio consisting of $BTC $ETH $ADA and other alto (if you are interested, write in the comments and I will be happy to share).

However, this is not what this article is about, and the introduction was needed to draw your attention to the instructions and get you ready for serious work.
The reading will be quite dry, but important, and I used a screaming title to turn you away from stupid ideas.

The blogs here are run by schoolchildren and they are ready to spread any nonsense to popularize their partners, so listen to the "grandfather" and don't get into trouble.

Unlike the US stock market (futures, options, stocks, bonds, swaps, etc.), everyone has the same tactic on crypto: "Sink or swim." In fact, there are gambling addicts here who only dream of future earnings, but in reality they are burning their money and their lives.

You are probably already fed up with advice on how to make money with levels, how smartmoney will change your life and everything else in this spirit.
There is only one conclusion: crowd methods never work at a distance!!

Maybe you also tapped a hamster in the hope of radically changing your life? Yes? Then write down everything I tell you in this story! So as not to be a loser all your life.

In the CIS, we have a strong opinion that financial markets are giving away free stuff and people are ready to believe in the ease of earning money through trading and all its derivatives, without even understanding how this sphere is structured.

Well, that's where we'll start.

The trading sphere is a wild jungle, which is simply teeming with aggressive inhabitants, ready to devour you at every step.

For example, a broker is an intermediary (in the minds of ordinary people), but if you dig a little deeper, you will find out that the main income of any crypto exchange is not commissions, but the direction of derivative trading.

Derivatives (futures and options) are your favorite method of earning money, but in fact you are working against the exchange, because it is a derivative contract, not crypto ownership. Therefore, you will be given more leverage and stimulation of activity, in short, everything so that your money ceases to be yours :)

Beat the stock exchange - took money from it, lost your hard-earned money - the stock exchange became richer. That's it, there is no other way.

And imagine that this is only the tip of the iceberg and below there is a tribe parasitizing on the sphere: signalers, guru-teachers, influencers with affiliates, sellers of the "Golden Scarab 3000" robots, etc.
Even I'm getting scared.

A newcomer finds himself in an environment where there is no one to expect good from and everyone who comes along starts to cloud his mind.
Even the well-known books on technical analysis, for example the "bible" by Jack Schwager, were written to order from institutions in order to give the crowd simple methods of earning money (nobody specified that they would simply be put in a crab position).

If you still think that they hand out candies and cookies here, then I hasten to disappoint you. To make money in this area, you need to be smarter and more cunning than those who set the rules of the game (or not play games with them).

After 8 years of trading, I chose the path of an investor for myself and for 7 years now I have not been able to get enough of the results of my activities, as well as the comfort for my nervous system.

However, we also need to talk about traders.

So, to earn money in trading, you need an algorithm for your method and clear mathematics. No need to jerk off on buttons from morning to night, better pay a couple of hundred to a programmer and write yourself a robot that will do the same thing, but without the human factor.

Deposits are ruined by tilt or lack of math in trading. There are no bad strategies, there are only bad performers. I believe that manual trading is suitable for one in a thousand and I don't think that it is you.

Small deposits force traders to go all-in every time, which of course leads to a 1% survival rate according to statistics. Nothing surprising, because the risks are incommensurable and sooner or later the account is zeroed out.
Everyone is inspired by the examples of those very unique individuals who managed to accelerate their hundred to tens of thousands, but they forget the thousands of stories of those who did not succeed.

No money - save up. You have the skills of a trader, but no money - copy trading services. Accept investors for copying and get money from them, everything has been invented long ago and there is no need to reinvent the wheel.

All funds and professional participants work on someone else's (attracted) capital, so just follow this path, and do not try to become one of the lucky ones in a million.

The advice is simple: mathematics in trading is of primary importance and positive mathematical expectation forms a long-term result, and in order not to lose what you have earned, it is better to algorithmize the strategy and involve strict risk management.
If you don't have an acceptable deposit, then build up your statistics and open an account for copy trading, investors themselves will bring you money if you really know how to trade (and if you don't, then how are you going to accelerate?!).

For white collar investors and medium term (positional) traders, I highly recommend studying macroeconomics as the basis of your activities.

You still draw levels and don't even understand that the market consists of a huge number of connections. Spend a couple of years on the necessary knowledge and your portfolios will outperform the index with lower drawdowns.

Remember the beginning of the article and the phrase about the wild jungle. It's the same with investors, because institutions control the market and the media, just remember how at the bottom of Bitcoin they shout about the exploding bubble every time, and then the market starts to grow.

You are being manipulated by everyone and everything, so understanding macroeconomics in order to buy when others are selling is a must-have.
Otherwise, you will always buy at highs and sell at the bottom. Or as the crypto people say: "Buy at highs - ride at lows" :)

In general, gentlemen and ladies, don’t listen to these barkers and get down to business.

All the best!