Bitcoin spot ETFs are attracting money like crazy! BlackRock and Fidelity are fighting for money, who will have the last laugh?

The cryptocurrency circle has ushered in another wave of funds! According to SoSoValue data, last week (October 7 to October 11), Bitcoin spot ETFs raked in $308 million, capital poured in, and the fierce "money grabbing" war has begun!

BlackRock's ETF IBIT was the best, with a single-week net inflow of $140 million, which brought its historical total net inflow to $21.7 billion! Following closely behind was Fidelity's Bitcoin ETF FBTC, which ranked second with a weekly net inflow of $138 million. At present, its total net inflow has also approached the 10 billion mark, reaching $9.99 billion.

However, not every ETF can be so smooth. Grayscale's ETF GBTC suffered a net outflow, with a single-week outflow of $50.02 million, and a total historical net outflow of $20.19 billion. It seems that in the Bitcoin ETF market, not everyone can play the leading role in this capital drama.

As of now, the total net asset value of Bitcoin spot ETF has soared to US$58.662 billion, equivalent to 4.71% of the total market value of Bitcoin. This game of capital flow has just begun, and it is still a suspense who will laugh last in the future!

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