$SUI , this coin, has a large market value and is still rising. Some people are curious about whether the dealer does not need money to pull the price. Take a look at the distribution of the coins held by this coin. More than half of them are not unlocked, and most of the unlocked ones are in the hands of the dealer. Conservative estimates show that the dealer holds more than 90% of the unlocked coins. However, many people who blindly short the coin ignore the actual situation of the coin holders. When they see that the price has risen a lot, they go shorting crazily, falling into the dealer's scheme. If the dealer makes much more money by manipulating the contract than the money needed to pull the spot. Theoretically, the dealer can keep pulling the price and still make a profit. It will not fall until most people in the market start to go long and the dealer's pulling cost is too high. So far, there are too many people who are bearish on this coin. As long as it falls slightly or goes sideways, the index of short sellers soars. As a result, there is almost no decent callback in the two months of pulling the price, and the air force has become the main force of pulling the price of this coin. When this coin rises to astronomical figures and becomes a myth in the coin circle among retail investors, the dealer only needs to make a slight move and sell a little bit to smash it back to zero. But before this happens, all short sellers will die.