Popular thousand-fold coins:

Shib 360,000 times in 2021

Pepe 100,000 times in 2023

MARVIN Musk's puppy contract number f9C7 in 2024: Chinese name: Marvin may also be more than a thousand times

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💡 BabyMarvin is an innovative representative of meme coins, and the arrangement of launching it simultaneously with the Tesla conference is no accident. On October 11, with the Tesla conference, BabyMarvin will meet the world, and all this is thanks to QED Capital's unique market insights.

QED Capital has long been known for investing in the most promising projects in the market, and BabyMarvin is their latest heavyweight choice. With community drive and technical support, BabyMarvin's future is full of possibilities. Innovation leads to wealth growth, this opportunity you can't miss!