BTC's price fluctuation today is not large. The current price is around 63,000 US dollars. 61,800 and 64,000 are important support and pressure for Bitcoin, and the upper pressure is very strong. It is expected to fluctuate in this range. It is still bullish at present. Maintain the trading strategy of taking more at low positions. Shorting can stop profit appropriately at the support level.

NEIRO stopped at the small level of 0.0022 and did not reach the support level of 0.00193. The small level 15-minute golden cross is expected to test the high point of 0.0022. If the subsequent small level can break through and go out of a golden cross resonance of 15 minutes, one small, and four hours, then there will be a wave of rising market. Since the current market is not moving much, it is still believed that there will be a callback after the test. Shorting can stop profit at the two positions of 0.002 and 0.00193. The general direction is still bullish.

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