Yesterday, the daytime volatility ushered in a unilateral trend at night, and the highest reached around 63,400 all the way, which shows the strength of the duo head! Although it failed to break through the previous high point and continue to rise, the strength shown is expected to be ready for the later period, and some parts have entered the high position for consolidation.

From the perspective of the market, the four-hour price ratio continues to hover above the middle track, showing a trend of approaching the upper track. Given that the persimmon market fluctuates less on weekends, the white market can be dominated by interval bands

Operation suggestions

Da🫓Duo around 62400-62100, target 63500-64500

Yitai Duo around 2430-2410, target 2470-2500

#9月美国CPI实现6连降 #多军的反击 #加密市场反弹 #美国9月PPI年率高于预期 #美联储会议纪要曝9月降息幅度有分歧