Who will become a dark horse in the bull market?

The day before yesterday, while chatting with a friend, my friend summarized the meme coins of each chain. In his opinion, the following meme coins are more promising.

1. Pepe, active in trading, has been ranked within the top 15 in the popularity list for a long time, and has rich culture, and is loved by the currency circle.

2. Turbo, representing grassroots culture, is a combination of AI and blockchain, has label significance, and is loved by European and American countries.

3. Sundog, the most active meme coin on the Tron chain. Since other meme coins are generated from eth or other chains, there are currently 20 meme coins with large market capitalization, 6 on Ethereum, 6 on sol chain, 1 on doge independent, 1 on base chain, 1 on ton chain, and several on other chains.

Sundog is a representative meme coin of the Tron chain. Sun Ge’s entry into the sunpmup platform will lead more people to enter, so it will create a benchmark project. So will sundog become a dark horse?

At the same time, Marvin (ending with 7055), which I have been following recently, successfully landed on two exchanges yesterday. When engineers and technicians tested it last night, they found that Gate had built a position in Marvin (ending with 7055). The second wallet on the list was Vitalik Wallet, and the third was Gate Wallet. They built a position of about 8.1 billion tokens, worth about $100,000.

Therefore, I am still looking forward to being listed on Binance Exchange with the efforts of the community.

I am also looking forward to November 1st being Marvin’s birthday. Will Musk celebrate the dog’s birthday on Twitter?

#SCR开盘 #特朗普当选概率上升 #6万保卫战 #9月美国CPI实现6连降 #Marvin7055