It's so explosive⚡️The securities market has just received three explosive news, each of which is exciting and makes 200 million stockholders excited again. The bull market atmosphere remains unchanged. Is this just the opposite for the currency circle?

News 1: The central bank said that it would set a chief scale of 500 billion yuan, mutual benefit and convenience, and further expand the scale of operations depending on the situation.

First of all, 500 billion has come, and the most important thing is that the scale will be expanded depending on the situation. There may be two 500 billion and three 500 billion. There is no turning back after the start of work. This not only gives ammunition, but also gives policy.

News 2: According to the notice of the State Council Information Office, there will be an introduction on October 12 to increase the counter-cyclical fiscal policy. The intensity of regulation and promote high-quality economic development is about two to three trillion.

We know that the one-on-one meeting and one-off meeting on September 24 also held an important press conference, and a series of policy combinations were released. The right is good, and the stock market ushered in a breakthrough of one trillion transactions on the same day. Then this time, it will definitely continue to promote the positive development of the economy.

News three, the US CPI data came out, up 2.4% year-on-year, higher than the market expectation of 2.3%, but according to the latest survey, the probability of a 25 basis point rate cut is 76%, and there is a 24% probability of no rate cut.

The 50 basis point rate cut by the US opened the gap in the rate cut cycle. Now the US is not so radical, and there is a certain selfishness, fearing that the funds will be collected in our pockets, but this data is watered.

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